- Galerie Art’Gentiers gallery, Bordeaux, January 20 - March 11, 2023
- International Multihull Yacht Show, La Grande Motte, April 12 - 16, 2023
- A. Galerie, selection of three large prints, BAD+ Art Fair, Bordeaux, May 4 - 7, 2023
About the soundtrack: Sound has been designed by Andrew Santaguida, Matt Russo, and Dan Tamayo. They translate the rhythm and harmony of the cosmos into music and sound. Since 2020 they have been producing regular sonifications for the NASA.
Black hole: A film to wear...
A flash drive (edited in only 5 copies) attached to a limited edition ‘‘keyring necklace’’ created by Maitre d’art Gilles Jonemann, celebrated sculptor and jewelry designer.
Co-founder in 1993 of Claris Image Builder - Photographer
"It takes a lot of maritime knowledge to give each boat its most beautiful aspects.
It takes a lot of technical knowledge to master the recent art of digital.
It takes a lot of humility to serve your subjects, not use them.
It takes a lot of energy to take on new challenges every year.
It takes a lot of academicism to know how to break codes.
It takes a lot of respect to avoid the easy way out.
It takes a lot of love to make generous images.
It takes a lot of open-mindedness to be a great artist.
It didn't take many years for Nicolas Claris to become one of the world's leading photographers, but since 2000, he has built on the strength of all these "lot of" achievements and continues to astonish us each year with his singular vision of the world around us, impeccably disruptive at times, joyously classic at others, and tenderly devoted, always.
Eclecticism is not an art in itself, but it gives Nicolas a freedom of tone, a creative force that enables him today to tackle any subject with that mix of skill and respect that makes us look at his work with a joyful pleasure, far from any seriousness, ready for any surprise.
This is the talent of Nicolas Claris, who has moved from being a photographer by necessity to becoming a contemporary artist who cannot be ignored".
Claris Image Builder - Video Director
«If a wide angle shot is what we can all do - more or less, we who have taken too many pictures at every turn and confused wide angle with an overall view - detail is what is lacking for our image-drowned eye with which we look at the world.
Then, only then the fold of fabric in a sewing machine, the stroke of a brush on a white page, the drops of rain on a train window, a pier by the sea, the hand of a sculptor, a pebble becoming a jewel, the flexible foot of a dancer, the look of a Bangladeshi fisherman, jute fibre becoming a boat, all these things, women, men filmed by Romain Claris, move us because they allow us to see, starting with the detail, a wider, richer world, more complex than we thought, so that, freeing our eye with his, we may be able to see better yet...»
claris@claris.fr | nicolas@nicolas-claris.com |
+33 6 85 32 86 51 | +33 6 70 79 57 36 |